Wildcats in the Arts
Check back for the Wildcats in the Arts Spring 2023 date
Date: March 16, 2022
Time: Wednesday, 12:30pm - 2:00pm Location: Upper Campus lunch tables after school For: K-5 What is Wildcats in the Arts? Wildcats in the Arts is an art inspired afternoon for ALL Wildcats and their parents. It's a smaller version of our Family Arts Night. All wildcats are welcome to participate and we encourage the older wildcats to help out at the tables. Remember to pack a lunch and eat before the art tables open! |
Can you help supply art materials? Click the button above to see our wish list.
If you have any of these items already please consider donating them. Items can be shipped to school or dropped off at the office. Thank you for any help you can provide to make this event a great success! |