Online Auction - March 13-21, 2021

With over 150 items in our Online Auction there is something for everyone! This 2021 year we will not be having an in-person event, but rather an online auction. It will be held over a week from March 13-21, 2021 on a new platform called
This 2021 year we will not be having an in-person event, but rather an online auction. It will be held over a week from March 13-21, 2021 on a new platform called We will include information about our Online Auction as it is ready. If you can help us get items uploaded, please reach out to help!
Note about BetterWorld:BetterWorld is a platform that we are using for free (no platform fee and no transaction fee) and their way of covering operation costs is to pass collection of donations along to the bidders. It’s an industry standard to charge fees and the Auction Committee was pleased to choose BetterWorld for their ease of use, and free platform!
In your bidding process you will see TWO boxes auto-checked, asking for your contribution.
Click the banner above to check out our Fund-A-Need campaign that runs through the rest of the school year. Within our Online Auction platform, BetterWorld is a tandem Fund-A-Need campaign that we hope will help us reach new fundraising goals. There are three focus areas:
Do you or your business have an item, service, or unique experience to donate to our Online Auction? Before March 1, 2021 please fill out our form so we may include it and thank you!