Online Auction: March 20-25, 2025
Within our Online Auction platform, BetterWorld, we will also have a simultaneous Fund-A-Need campaign to help reach our fundraising goal.
Our focus areas are:
What’s in our Auction:
Class Art Projects:
Wonderfully creative art projects were made by students in each classroom. Thanks to the help and support from each Class Art Parent, the students participated in unique crafts, art, sculptures, paintings, dyes, cutting and more. All of the work was completed in class, often times kids took turns to work on their own piece of the project.
As these items are truly priceless, please bid high!
*** Artwork will be on display on the stage in the Multi-Purpose Room the week of 3/18-3/22***
As these items are truly priceless, please bid high!
*** Artwork will be on display on the stage in the Multi-Purpose Room the week of 3/18-3/22***
BetterWorld - Online Auction Platform
BetterWorld is a platform that we are using for our Online Auction for our fourth year.
:::: Some Notes about our Auction ::::
+++ Worried you'll be outbid? Rest assured you will be emailed with a link to increase your bid (or set a ‘max bid’). Prefer a text? Add your cell # to your account and opt in to receive outbid notifications via text.
+++ Note that there will be an option to cover the cost of our credit card processing fee.
+++ If you are instead looking to make a direct tax-deductible donation, do so at here (
+++ Lastly, if you have any questions during the auction please email [email protected]
:::: Some Notes about our Auction ::::
+++ Worried you'll be outbid? Rest assured you will be emailed with a link to increase your bid (or set a ‘max bid’). Prefer a text? Add your cell # to your account and opt in to receive outbid notifications via text.
+++ Note that there will be an option to cover the cost of our credit card processing fee.
+++ If you are instead looking to make a direct tax-deductible donation, do so at here (
+++ Lastly, if you have any questions during the auction please email [email protected]
Our payment processor, Stripe, will take 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. This means we will be deducted this amount for every transaction at the close of the auction. You will be given an opportunity on the bidding page to opt in to covering the cost of this fee so that the Westlake will receive the full value of our winning bids. If you are able to cover this fee, click on the blue button that says, "Yes, count me in".
Once you have indicated 'Yes, count me in", you will be opted in to cover the credit card processing fee for subsequent bids, but will only be charged for winning bids. To opt out again go here.
We hope you have a seamless bidding experience.
Once you have indicated 'Yes, count me in", you will be opted in to cover the credit card processing fee for subsequent bids, but will only be charged for winning bids. To opt out again go here.
We hope you have a seamless bidding experience.
We are excited for the generous donations from local businesses and Westlake community offered in our Online Auction. We will list out our 2024 Auction Donors here.
ABC Law Adventure Sports Agility Boulders Anne Chiaramonte Annie Glass Arrive Reproductive Arslan Turkish Street Food Art by Joan P Bogart Bantam Restaurant Batata BJJ Betty Burger Bookshop Santa Cruz Botanic + Luxe Boys & Girls Club Ca 1 Photobus Cabrillo Stage Theatre Caroline Power CF's Style Car Detail Chaminade Chardonnay II Clean Sweep Coastal Vitality Costanoa Costco Crow’s Nest DeLaveaga Golf Course Dell Williams Jeweler Denise Burchell Dig Gardens Discretion Brewing Donor fulfillment name El Salchichero Elizabeth Dorsey Ernest Amos-Jackson Estrella Collective Everyone's Music School |
Farm Fresh Produce & Artisan Farm Products
Flower Bar Frey Vineyards Gabriella Cafe Get Faded Golden State Warriors Hartmann Jewelry Helen Taylor Humble Sea Brewery Illuminee International Academy of Dance Jenny Hundemer Joe Debono Katrina E Haeger Kayak Connection Keene Osteopathy Kiantis Kids in Nature Kindred Sparks Photography Kwaya Cellars Lady of Sol Jewelry Laura Oster Linda Cover Lizzy's Beach Volleyball Marinis Candies Martinelli's Mathnasium Mission St. Tattoo Moods Boutique New Leaf NorCal Flag Football Om Gallery Pacific Redwood Wine Pacific Trading Co. Pacific Wave |
Paisley and Me Photography
Palace Arts Paradigm Sports Paradise Beach Grille Pescavore Pet Emporium Quaintrelle Farms Porch Petals Raiders Redwood Music Camp Ryono Family San Lorenzo Garden Center Santa Cruz & Monterey Whale Watching Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Santa Cruz Bicycles Santa Cruz Gymnastics Santa Cruz Mama's Cookies Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History Santa Cruz Pelvic Health Santa Cruz Roller Palladium Santa Cruz Skateboard Santa Cruz Symphony Santa Cruz Threads Santa Cruz Threads Santa Cruz Warriors SCG Fitness Seanna Schantz Shadowbrook Shanty Shack SJ Earthquakes Soccer SockShop Soquel Vineyards Staff of Life Studio Sprout Suzy Rad Arts Tacos 831 Tahoe Donner Ski Tassa Burdette The Food Bin The Garden Company The Walnut Ave Cafe Tidy Evolution Tori Ow Photography Verve Coffee Roasters Village Yoga West End Tap Kitchen |
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